Tuesday, 22 May 2012


    Planets move in these Zodiacal signs at different speeds. Some times planets appear to move backward, i.e. retrograde. This is only an illusion caused by the motion of neighboring planets, just as trees appear moving backwards when seen from a moving train. Sun and Moon never move retrograde.
     1. Sun moves in a sign for about one month at an average speed of one degree per day.

    2. Moon moves in a sign for nearly two and half days at an average speed of 12 degrees per day.
    3. Mercury moves in a sign for about 20 days at an average speed of 1.5 degrees per day. Sometimes it moves backward in retrograde motion and later assume direct motion. Due to speed variation or retrograde motion the planet may be in a sign for longer or shorter duration.
    4. Venus moves in a sign for 24 days at average speed 1.24 degrees per day. But the speed varies depending on its retrograde or direct motions.
    5. The average speed of Mars is 0.65 degrees per day and stays in a sign for nearly 45 days. But the duration of its stay in one sign and the speed may vary due to retrograde and direction motions.
    6. Jupiter remains in one sign for one year.
    7. Saturn stays in a sign for nearly two and half years
    8. Uranus (Herschel) remains in one sign for about 7 years.
    9. Neptune stays in a sign for 14 years.
    10. Pluto remains in a sign for 15 to 20 years.
    11. Moons North and South Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) will always move backwards and takes about 18 months to move from one sign to another.
    12. Sun and Moon always move forward, while Nodes always move backward. All the other planets are sometimes retrograde.

    The positions of Sun and Moon are very important during transits as their influence marked on daily results. When Sun moves in a sign for one month, Moon completes her journey in the 12 signs during the month, staying in each sign for about two and half days approximately.

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