Friday, 13 July 2012

Lesson VII



VENUS  in  Aries gives you an aggressive and emotional  nature  of self  expression.   Enthusiasm, sparkle,  competitive  spirit  or commonly  found.   If  you are a women  this  position  gives  an aggressive  passion  in  love and romance.   Your  affections  are impulsive and unstable.  You may be creative and artistic.


This  position  make you loyal, stability in  love  with  lasting affections.    At  times  you will be  possessive,  jealousy  and touchy if there is any interference in your emotional  relations. You will enjoy closeness and in the presence of loved ones. You are likely  to be passive in enjoying  sensual  pleasures. This position  give  you comfort, luxury, good  surroundings  and  good food  and all such other things money can bring you.  You  always prefer  to appear beautiful, attractive and youthful.   You  will have  ability  to purchase valuable, beautiful and  long  lasting objects of quality.  You are likely to get engaged in a  business of artistic and luxury goods.  You may have hobbies in  gardening and floral arrangements.  Since Taurus is connected to throat and larynx you may be a singer with melodious voice.


This position of VENUS in GEMINI gives you a romantic and  social life.  Your romantic relations may not be permanent.  You will be friendly with every one.  You are a good conversation and capable of  attracting  large number of people.  You spend much  time  in traveling,  pursuing  pleasures  and  social  activities. You dislike people with rough behavior since you are having pleasing manners.


This  position makes you extremely sensitive and many  times  you will hide your feelings even when you are happy.  Your moods  are fluctuating and unpredictable.  Through marriage you will try  to find  domestic  life  security.   You  want  your  house  to   be comfortable  and  beautiful.  If you are a women you are  a  well domesticated and a good house keeper for loved ones.  You will be very affectionate towards your children.


You  love  the life and be dramatic in behavior.   You  may  give lavish  and expensive parties.  If you are a women you prefer  to be  noticed, admired and appreciated.  You are likely to  make  a good  actor or actress.  You will love art and have  the  ability for  painting  and other artistic forms.  You are very  warm  and affectionate  and fond of children.  Your romance and  courtships are full of excitement and drama.  You will be very loyal to  the affection of your partner and possessive and jealous.


VENUS  in VIRGO give you too analytical and critical attitude  to your nature.  Many times due to this nature your appreciation  of the beauty may be leading to its destruction.  In most cases this position  makes  the  individual to be  unmarried  due  to  their critical  attitude.  when married mostly through the  connections with the work.  The place of work will be often created by you in an  artistic  environment.   You will be  particular  about  your personal appearance, manners, hygiene, cleanliness.  Most  likely the  people  with this position may be  making  good  dietitians, designers, dress makers etc.  You may have good technical ability in  arts.  You may likely be shy in nature and with  feelings  of inferiority  complex in social and sexual matters. If you  are  a women   this  position  makes  you  withdrawing   from   romantic relationship.  Many times you may feel lonely and frustrated. You will  have sympathy to others more particularly to the sick  thus every possibility taking to the profession of doctor, nurse etc.


This position give you the necessity for marriage and  harmonious social  relationships.   Due to this position you are  likely  to have  good  features and beauty attracting the opposite  sex  and many   opportunities   for   marriage.   You   are   capable   of understanding  the  feelings of others.  Your  desire  to  please others  is well liked and good relations and personal bondage  is possible.   You  dislike  force  and  harsh  behavior  and  give importance to  good  conduct and manners  in  others.   You  are  romantic and affectionate and maintain good public relations  and you  are  likely to make money due to this  pleasing  manners  of yours.  You may likely to be have an aptitude for art and  music. You  avoid situations of conflict, argument  and  unpleasantness. If you are a women you want to be cared deeply and you are likely to   have  ability  for  giving  public perform-ances. Public appreciation for your arts is possible.


Emotions,   sexual  desires,  passions,  secretive  and   jealous characteristics   are  likely   to  be  common  in   you.    Your relationship  may  be  mostly  emotional  and  lack  reason   and delicacy.   If  you are highly developed you do not  hesitate  to sacrifice  every thing for love if you feel worthy of  it.    You take the romance to seriously lacking the lighter vein touch  and humor and hence it is love or hates relationship.  This position makes   you   a  desirous  to  dominate  or   control   personal relationship in marriage or business partnership.  You near  lose pride  and  dignity  and maintain reservedness  with  an  air  of mystery.


Your  emotions  and  responses  are  idealistic  and   spiritually oriented.   You  are friendly and sociable.  Frankly  out  spoken honest  open in your feelings towards those you love.  Lavish  in art  and decorations.  If you can afford you prefer to have  your home  in  royal atmosphere.  You are fond of arts.  You  love  to travel to the distant places.  You prefer to marry  foreigners  or other races of advance educational learning.


You  feel very much in need of status and material  wealth.   You prefer  to  improve  them  through  marriage.   Always  you   are attracted  to friendship, courtship with those who can  entertain lavishly  and expensively.  You feel superiors and  dignified  and some  times  this  may  be resented  by  others.   This  position repress  your emotions and sexuality.  Tendency is you  may  seek older  and mature partners in marriage.  If your marriage  is  in older age you choose an younger partner.  This position makes  to attracted to classical music and traditional arts.  A possibility you may become antique dealer, museum curator or an art director.


This   position  indicates  an  impersonality  with  a   friendly emotional  out look.  You want to be friendly with all  and  you are  well  linked  by all, thus with lots of  friends.   You  may depart  from standard rules in social and sexual  morality.   You may  have your own just and meaningful interpretations  for  your principles.  You dislike harsh and cruel behavior.  You may have casual  and   sudden  romantic  attractions.   You   may  dislike jealousy  and possessiveness and keep your self away from  romantic partners  who hinder your social freedom.  You may  have  unusual taste. You may like art of extremely modern or extremely ancient. You may be unable to work in the confines of marriage or  lasting relationships.   You tend to refuse to see others point  of  view due to stubbornness.


You  may  marry  for  love without  any  other  consideration  or consequences.   A deep compassion, sympathy and understanding  of life  and  emotional rapport are common characteristics.  You  are capable  of  understanding the feelings of  others.   You  desire clear  demonstration of love and affection from others  and  when not  fourth coming there is also possibility of  mental  illness and  neurotic  tendencies. You  are  resourceful  in  artistic, politics and  musical  creations.   You  are  sensitive  to  be  sufferings  of  others  and others may  take  advantage  of  your sympathy.  You may hesitate to express your feelings and love and you miss the opportunities.

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